Results for 'Cornelia Rempel Carlson'

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  1.  32
    (1 other version)Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1991 - Die Philosophin 5 (2):68-77.
  2. Causal Accounts of Harming.Erik Carlson, Jens Johansson & Olle Risberg - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (2):420-445.
    A popular view of harming is the causal account (CA), on which harming is causing harm. CA has several attractive features. In particular, it appears well equipped to deal with the most important problems for its main competitor, the counterfactual comparative account (CCA). However, we argue that, despite its advantages, CA is ultimately an unacceptable theory of harming. Indeed, while CA avoids several counterexamples to CCA, it is vulnerable to close variants of some of the problems that beset CCA.
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    Bontly on Harm and the Non-Identity Problem.Erik Carlson & Jens Johansson - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (4):477-481.
    The ‘non-identity problem’ raises a well-known challenge to the person-affecting view, according to which an action can be wrong only if it affects someone for the worse. In a recent article, however, Thomas D. Bontly proposes a novel way to solve the non-identity problem in person-affecting terms. Bontly's argument is based on a contrastive causal account of harm. In this response, we argue that Bontly's argument fails even assuming that the contrastive causal account is correct.
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    Cultural Techniques and Sovereignty.Cornelia Vismann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):83-93.
    First published in 2010, Cornelia Vismann’s article has already attained the status of a classic. In a formulation inspired by linguistic theory, the author argues that the relation between cultural techniques and media can be understood in analogy to grammatical operations. Thus, cultural techniques define the agency of media and execute the procedural rules which the latter set in place. Together, they articulate a critique of subjectivity and sovereignty that proceeds by re-examining the notion of ‘culture’ via its agricultural (...)
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    Daybreak 72: Nietzsche, Epicurus, and the after Death.Morgan Rempel - 2012 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 43 (2):342.
    Dozens of references to Epicurus and Epicureanism can be found in the writings of Nietzsche. Very little scholarly attention, however, has been paid to Nietzsche's particular interest in Epicureanism's relationship to Christianity. One motif within Nietzsche's ruminations on this larger theme is the persuasive opposing view Epicureanism is said to have offered to notions of personal immortality circulating among antiquity's “mystery religions” and nascent Christianity. This article examines Daybreak 72's highly original portrayal of Epicureanism's struggle with these rival “redemption doctrines.” (...)
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  6. Plural harm: plural problems.Erik Carlson, Jens Johansson & Olle Risberg - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (2):553-565.
    The counterfactual comparative account of harm faces problems in cases that involve overdetermination and preemption. An influential strategy for dealing with these problems, drawing on a suggestion made by Derek Parfit, is to appeal to _plural harm_—several events _together_ harming someone. We argue that the most well-known version of this strategy, due to Neil Feit, as well as Magnus Jedenheim Edling’s more recent version, is fatally flawed. We also present some general reasons for doubting that the overdetermination and preemption problems (...)
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  7. Broome's argument against value incomparability.Erik Carlson - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (2):220-224.
    John Broome has argued that alleged cases of value incomparability are really examples of vagueness in the betterness relation. The main premiss of his argument is ‘the collapsing principle’. I argue that this principle is dubious, and that Broome's argument is therefore unconvincing. Correspondence:c1
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  8. Parity demystified.Erik Carlson - 2010 - Theoria 76 (2):119-128.
    Ruth Chang has defended a concept of "parity", implying that two items may be evaluatively comparable even though neither item is better than or equally good as the other. This article takes no stand on whether there actually are cases of parity. Its aim is only to make the hitherto somewhat obscure notion of parity more precise, by defining it in terms of the standard value relations. Given certain plausible assumptions, the suggested definiens is shown to state a necessary and (...)
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  9.  36
    Periphere Kooptierung. Neue Formen der Ausgrenzung feministischer Kritik. Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1998 - Die Philosophin. Forum für Feministische Theorie Und Philosophie 9 (18):95-107.
  10. (1 other version)Generic terms and generic sentences.Greg N. Carlson - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (2):145 - 181.
    Whether or not the particular view of generic sentences articulated above is correct, it is quite clear that the study of generic terms and the truth-conditions of generic sentences touches on the representation of other parts of the grammar, as well as on how the world around us is reflected in language. I would hope that the problems mentioned above will highlight the relevance of semantic analysis to other apparently distinct questions, and focus attention on the relevance of linguistic problems (...)
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    Nietzsche, psychohistory, and the birth of Christianity.Morgan Rempel - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Traces the development of Nietzsche's ideas on Jesus, St. Paul, and early Christianity.
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  12. Contemporary Environmental Aesthetics and the Requirements of Environmentalism.Allen Carlson - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (3):289 - 314.
    Since aesthetic experience is vital for the protection of nature, I address the relationship between environmental aesthetics and environmentalism. I first review two traditional positions, the picturesque approach and formalism. Some environmentalists fault the modes of aesthetic appreciation associated with these views, charging they are anthropocentric, scenery-obsessed, superficial, subjective, and/or morally vacuous. In light of these apparent failings of traditional aesthetics of nature, I suggest five requirements of environmentalism: that aesthetic appreciation of nature should be acentric, environment-focused, serious, objective and (...)
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  13. Nature, aesthetic appreciation, and knowledge.Allen Carlson - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (4):393-400.
  14.  8
    Postmarxistisches Staatsverständnis.Cornelia Bruell - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos. Edited by Monika Mokre.
    Dem Postmarxismus wird haufig ein mangelndes Verstandnis des Staats vorgeworfen. Dieser Band stellt sich dieser Lesart entgegen und zeichnet ein vielfaltiges Bild der Staatsverstandnisse von Abensour, Agamben, Badiou, Balibar, Bauman, Butler, Castoriadis, Deleuze und Guattari, Derrida, Hardt und Negri, Hall, Holloway, Lefort und Gauchet, Laclau und Mouffe, Nancy, Ranciere und zizek. Die Zugange dieser Autor_innen zum Staat werden anhand zentraler Konzepte in leicht zuganglicher Form dargestellt und von marxistischen und neomarxistischen Staatstheorien abgegrenzt. Im letzten Teil werden die gegenseitigen Beeinflussungen zwischen (...)
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  15. Listening for God: Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith.Paula J. Carlson & Peter S. Hawkins - 1994
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  16. Materialismus im feministischen und queeren Denken.Cornelia Möser - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (5):724-743.
    In view of the increasing social and economic inequality in recent decades, both globally and locally, more and more attempts are being made in political philosophy to understand social structures not only in terms of their symbolic and idealistic constitution, but also in the light of their underlying political-economic foundations. However, the concepts of materialism used in these works, especially in feminist thought over the last ten years, have caused much confusion due to their different meanings, especially when they are (...)
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    Internationalism and the state in the twentieth century.Cornelia Navari - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    This book describes the major changes in state relations which have occurred this century and the sources from which they emerged. An invaluable introduction to the structures of modern international relations.
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  18.  28
    Dying At The Right Time.Morgan Rempel - 2009 - Philosophy Now 76:23-25.
  19.  18
    Konchalovsky, Frankl, Freedom: Reconsidering Runaway Train.Morgan Rempel - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (3):247-257.
    One of several life-affirming themes in Viktor Frankl’s classic Man’s Search for Meaning is the inviolate character of human freedom. Contrasting what he calls “inner freedom” with the dire external restrictions he experienced as a prisoner at Auschwitz and other concentration camps, Frankl insists that no matter how restrictive and dehumanizing one’s situation, the exercise of this internal freedom is always a possibility. Similar sentiments are found in Camus’s The Myth of Sisyphus. Though it contains elements of a typical 1980s (...)
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    Review [review of Leslie Parker Hume, The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914 ].Richard A. Rempel - 1983 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (2).
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  21.  32
    Agents versus structures in English School theory: Is co-constitution the answer?Cornelia Navari - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):249-267.
    While generally accepted as an interpretive theory, Bull’s emblematic text demonstrates strong structural characteristics. Subsequent attributions move between the interpretive or ‘reflexive’ and t...
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    Should We Pay for Our Social Media/Messenger Applications? Preliminary Data on the Acceptance of an Alternative to the Current Prevailing Data Business Model.Cornelia Sindermann, Daria J. Kuss, Melina A. Throuvala, Mark D. Griffiths & Christian Montag - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the age of surveillance capitalism, the prevailing business model underlying the use of social media applications (“apps”) foresees the exchange of personal data for the allowance to use an online service. Such a data business model comes with many potential negative side effects ranging from violation of privacy issues to election manipulation. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to think of alternatives to the current data business model. The present study investigated how strong the support would be for a (...)
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    Beyond the connectome: How neuromodulators shape neural circuits.Cornelia I. Bargmann - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):458-465.
    Powerful ultrastructural tools are providing new insights into neuronal circuits, revealing a wealth of anatomically‐defined synaptic connections. These wiring diagrams are incomplete, however, because functional connectivity is actively shaped by neuromodulators that modify neuronal dynamics, excitability, and synaptic function. Studies of defined neural circuits in crustaceans, C. elegans, Drosophila, and the vertebrate retina have revealed the ability of modulators and sensory context to reconfigure information processing by changing the composition and activity of functional circuits. Each ultrastructural connectivity map encodes multiple (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Aesthetics and the Environment: The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture.Allen Carlson - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):137-140.
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    Making Sense of Science: Separating Substance from Spin.Cornelia Dean - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    Cornelia Dean draws on her 30 years as a science journalist with the New York Times to expose the flawed reasoning and knowledge gaps that handicap readers when they try to make sense of science. She calls attention to conflicts of interest in research and the price society pays when science journalism declines and funding dries up.--.
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    Mourning Mayberry: Guns, Masculinity, and Socioeconomic Decline.Jennifer Carlson - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (3):386-409.
    This study uses in-depth interviews and participant observation with gun carriers in Michigan to examine how socioeconomic decline shapes the appropriation of guns by men of diverse class and race backgrounds. Gun carriers nostalgically referenced the decline of Mayberry America—a version of America characterized by the stable employment of male breadwinners and low crime rates. While men of color and poor and working-class men bear the material brunt of these transformations, this narrative of decline impacts how both privileged and marginalized (...)
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  27.  42
    In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: from Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.Cornelia Beck, John Dumay & Geoffrey Frost - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):191-205.
    This paper explores one organisation’s journey into non-financial reporting, initially motivated by a crisis in public confidence that threatened the organisation’s legitimacy to the present with the organisation embracing integrated reporting. The organisation’s journey is framed through a legitimation lens and is illustrated by aligning internal reflections with external outputs guided by predominant paradigms of good practice, such as the GRI guidelines and more recently integrated reporting 〈IR〉. We find that the organisation’s relationship with external guidelines has evolved from pragmatic (...)
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  28. Consequentialism, alternatives, and actualism.Erik Carlson - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (3):253-268.
  29. Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership.Dawn S. Carlson & Pamela L. Perrewe - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (10):829 - 838.
    Concerns regarding corporate ethics have grown steadily throughout the past decade. In order to remain competitive, many organizational leaders are faced with the challenge of creating an ethical environment within their organization. A model is presented showing the process and elements necessary for the institutionalization of organizational ethics. The transformational leadership style lends itself well to the creation of an ethical environment and is suggested as a means to facilitate the institutionalization of corporate ethics. Finally, the benefits of using transformational (...)
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    Soldiers and Courage: An Afghan Case.Cornelia Vikan - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):162-180.
    In spite of many attempts to define courage, from Plato’s Laches and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics to recent moral philosophy, courage remains ambiguous: it is a classical virtue and a requirement of soldiers, and yet, it is not clear what courage means in specific situations. In this article, I investigate courage in view of a complex military context stretching beyond the battlefield into an ethically grey area of war and military operations, namely, a case from ISAF Afghanistan. I explore courage in (...)
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  31.  88
    Quantified Hintikka-style epistemic logic.Lauri Carlson - 1988 - Synthese 74 (2):223 - 262.
    This paper contains a formal treatment of the system of quantified epistemic logic sketched in Appendix II of Carlson (1983). Section 1 defines the syntax and recapitulates the model set rules and principles of the Appendix system. Section 2 defines a possible worlds semantics for this system, and shows that the Appendix system is complete with respect to this semantics. Section 3 extends the system by an explicit truth operatorT it is true that and considers quantification over nonexistent individuals. (...)
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    Generics and atemporal when.Greg N. Carlson - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (1):49 - 98.
    Beginning with analyses of English generic sentences and English plural indefinite noun phrases (e.g.dogs), we proceed to apply mechanisms there motivated to a characterization of atemporalwhen, a sense ofwhen which does not appear to involve time. Dealt with are such examples as Dogs are intelligent when they have blue eyes, and their relationships to examples like Dogs that have blue eyes are intelligent. The proposed treatment of atemporalwhen helps motivate the existence of a generic verb phrase operator in English, as (...)
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  33. Deliberation, Foreknowledge, and Morality as a Guide to Action.Carlson Erik - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (1):71-89.
    In Section 1, I rehearse some arguments for the claim that morality should be ``action-guiding'', and try to state the conditions under which a moral theory is in fact action-guiding. I conclude that only agents who are cognitively and conatively ``ideal'' are in general able to use a moral theory as a guide to action. In Sections 2 and 3, I discuss whether moral ``actualism'' implies that morality cannot be action-guiding even for ideal agents. If actualism is true, an ideal (...)
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  34. Counterexamples to Principle Beta: A Response to Crisp and Warfield.Erik Carlson - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (3):730-737.
    The well‐known “Consequence Argument” for the incompatibility of freedom and determinism relies on a certain rule of inference; “Principle Beta”. Thomas Crisp and Ted Warfield have recently argued that all hitherto suggested counterexamples to Beta can be easily circumvented by proponents of the Consequence Argument. I present a new counterexample which, I argue, is free from the flaws Crisp and Warfield detect in earlier examples.
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  35. (1 other version)The intrinsic value of non-basic states of affairs.Erik Carlson - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 85 (1):95-107.
  36. Introduction: Poetics of Resistance.Cornelia Gräbner & David Wood - unknown
    The following text provides a conceptual and theoretical introduction to a collection of essays written by members of the multidisciplinary network of scholars, artists and cultural producers named ‘Poetics of Resistance’, which seeks to analyse and encourage discussion of the relationships between creativity, culture and political resistance, in the context of neoliberal globalization. The introduction also provides a critical glossary of a set of loosely interlinking keywords, following Raymond Williams, that mark points of encounter and departure between the approaches of (...)
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    Appreciating Godlovitch.Allen Carlson - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):55-57.
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    Role Playing and Identity: The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor.Marvin Carlson - 1985 - Noûs 19 (4):644-646.
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    The Generic Book.Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier (eds.) - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    In an attempt to address the theoretical gap between linguistics and philosophy, a group of semanticists, calling itself the Generic Group, has worked to develop a common view of genericity. Their research has resulted in this book, which consists of a substantive introduction and eleven original articles on important aspects of the interpretation of generic expressions. The introduction provides a clear overview of the issues and synthesizes the major analytical approaches to them. Taken together, the papers that follow reflect the (...)
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    What Gardens Mean.Allen Carlson - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (3):376-377.
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    Book Review: Elof Axel Carlson, Mendel's Legacy: The Origin of Classical Genetics. [REVIEW]Elof Axel Carlson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):590-591.
  42.  3
    Contemporary Art and Event-Based Social Theory.Cornelia Bohn - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):51-74.
    In light of the sociological insight that it is left to the art system what counts as art, new artistic forms inevitably alter the prevailing concept of art. The article examines how artistic morphogenesis occurs in a twofold manner in the case of contemporary art: as self-referential process through new form combinatorics or asynchronous artistic operations whose artworks elude the gaze, and as other-referential relation. One of the main features of contemporary art lies in its strong reference to the present, (...)
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    Perceptual-Cognitive Changes During Motor Learning: The Influence of Mental and Physical Practice on Mental Representation, Gaze Behavior, and Performance of a Complex Action.Cornelia Frank, William M. Land & Thomas Schack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  44. (1 other version)Aesthetics and the Environment.Allen Carlson - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):448-452.
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    The Significance of Tiny Contributions : Barnett and Beyond.Erik Carlson, Magnus Jedenheim-Edling & Jens Johansson - forthcoming - Utilitas.
    In a discussion of Parfit's Drops of Water case, Zach Barnett has recently proposed a novel argument against “No Small Improvement”; that is, the claim that a single drop of water cannot affect the magnitude of a thirsty person's suffering. We first show that Barnett's argument can be significantly strengthened, and also that the fundamental idea behind it yields a straightforward argument for the transitivity of equal suffering. We then suggest that defenders of No Small Improvement could reject a Pareto (...)
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  46. A unified analysis of the English bare plural.Greg N. Carlson - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (3):413 - 456.
    It is argued that the English bare plural (an NP with plural head that lacks a determiner), in spite of its apparently diverse possibilities of interpretation, is optimally represented in the grammar as a unified phenomenon. The chief distinction to be dealt with is that between the generic use of the bare plural (as in Dogs bark) and its existential or indefinite plural use (as in He threw oranges at Alice). The difference between these uses is not to be accounted (...)
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  47.  97
    The Concepts of the Sublime and the Beautiful In Kant and Lyotard.Cornelia Klinger - 1995 - Constellations 2 (2):207-223.
  48.  21
    Appleton, Jay. The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape in The Arts.Allen Carlson - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (1):79-79.
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    Editorial: Defining Construction: Insights Into the Emergence and Generation of Linguistic Representations.Matthew T. Carlson, Antonio Fábregas & Michael T. Putnam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Rationality and non-trivial universalizability.George Carlson - 1995 - Philosophical Papers 24 (3):197-207.
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